jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Time Fillers

some techniques to deal with speaking tests

Explanation and examples

Repeat the question
You can buy yourself time to think by repeating the examiner's question.
Examiner: What different types of food do people eat in your country?
Candidate: Okay, so you would like to know what kinds of food people
eat in my country.
Examiner: How does television influence children?
Candidate: Hmm...how does television influence children? Well....

Express a lack ol opinion
If you are asked for your opinion on something, you can begin your answer by expressing a lack of opinion.
Examiner: What does success mean to you?
Candidate: Hmm. I haven't really thought about that...

Use conversation fillers
Conversation fillers are simple words and phrases like hmm: umm. well,
let's see. difficult question, interesting question, basically
rlmm...difficult question. Well, basically 1 think that sport can help us
to live a much healthier lifestyle.

Combine techniques
If you need a lot of time, consider combining several approaches.
Examiner: What different types of food do people eat in your country?
Candidate: Hmm...so you would like to know what kinds of food people
eat in my country. Hmm...interesting question. Can I think about it for a
moment? Well, I guess our traditional cuisine is still popular.

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